Thursday, September 4, 2008

Flickring inandout

So much fun to have an excuse to play with the tools that are usually just used casually! I get intrigued by stuff. Like:

A search of PictureAustralia with tag Brisbane Flickr as source gets 2097 images.
However - the Ourtown group gives 57 and the other PictureAustralia groups 'People, Places and Events' (1499) and 'Re-picture Australia' (2) only give 1501 - so where are the other 539 coming from? Do they come from other sources that are also contributors to Picture Australia but put them up through flickr? Every one I click on gets me through to one of the groups I know about and I will put off the search for another day.

This was my favourite Wynnum photo on Flickr that was CC. It contrasts nicely with the pier on the header I reckon. Taken by Christolakis (

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Dear Kate

Picture Australia Flickr group statistics for ‘Brisbane’ search term

Thank you for alerting me to this anomaly in our image statistics. .
Using ‘Brisbane as a search term I found:

Picture Australia = total 2097 images.
Picture Australia Ourtown Flickr group =58 images
Picture Australia People, Places and Events Flickr group =1564
Re-picture Australia Flickr group =2

Total =1624

Your question of where do the other 473 images come from is an excellent one.

I am wondering if it might not be about the way the different search engines work. Picture Australia searches, all tags, titles and captions. But I am not sure if Flickr operates in the same way. I need to investigate this to establish what might be the cause.

Once again many thank you for blogging on this and alerting me to the issue.

Yours sincerely
